Bone, Stone, and Obsidian
Robert Adducci and Jesse Heinig talk about Dark Sun from every angle, Dungeon Mastering, Playing, Races, Classes, History, Sorcerer Kings, City States, you name it. It's about survival on the sands of Athas on this show so grab a d20 and get ready to enter the arena.
Episode 24: June Soler and Athascon
June Soler has stormed on the Dark Sun public scene in the past couple of years, we talk about how he contributes to the community and his latest project, Athascon
Show Notes
The sands of Athas are unforgiving to those without bone, stone, or obsidian to protect their water–and their lives. In this episode, Jesse and Robert feature June Soler an actual Templar of Urik to discuss Athascon
June Soler has stormed on the Dark Sun public scene in the past couple of years, we talk about how he contributes to the community and his latest project, Athascon
Show Notes
- Open Call – Playtesters for Adventures in the Dead Lands
- Ben Riggs, author of Slaying the Dragon just posted a bunch of sales
numbers from Basic to AD&D 2nd edition, including a bunch of Dark
Sun sales numbers:
- Dark Sun Boxed Set Sales
- Dark Sun Adventures
- On FB June added the dates of the Adventure releases to the chart.
* Dark Sun Novels:
* Dark Sun Maps from the computer games:
* Wake of the Ravager
* Shattered Lands
* Crimson Sands
- Lisandro Linares finished his Dark Sun OSE conversion
- Was Athas supposed to be in the Spelljammer? June Soler found an image that says “Athaspace”, but Teos had another image on the Roll20 blog that had Athaspace replaced with Doomspace.
- VorpalTales
- Every Thursday at 9pm Eastern
- Streamed City by the Silt Sea in Portuguese streamed game
- Blue Goblin Game Dark Sun blog:
June Soler
- Tell us about yourself, how did you get into Dark Sun?
- Urikite Templar: running DS at cons
- Mindmage Ascendancy:
- City-State of Urik book
- Dark Sun Minis (Facebook)
- Silt Skimmer
- Miniature Painting: Dragon
- Ruktoi
- Cloud Ray
- War Beetle
- Amketch Caravan
- Athascon: October 29-30th, 2022
- Fellow Athasians!
- Find yourself a seat at The Greasy Kank, get yourself some ale and keep the prying eyes of templars at bay.
- Athasacon is hosted and organized by fans of the Dark Sun campaign setting who come from all over the globe and share a common interest in the game setting. Many of the organizers are active in the Dark Sun communities and host games at physical conventions as well as participate online on Twitch, Reddit, Twitter,, Facebook and other digital spaces discussing and producing Dark Sun gaming content for the community.
- So prepare for a weekend of fun under the crimson sun!
- To sign up to play in events, the Warhorn & google docs links at the end of this post will take you to our sign-up page. For those of you who utilize Discord to organize and run your sessions, we offer a fully outfitted server and game rooms with boosted service qualities.
- In addition to the joinable sessions, Athascon will feature a curated stream accompaniment featuring Dark Sun community streamers, and featured panels. We are excited to showcase Dark Sun related content for your enjoyment.
- If any of the above interests you, please find the relevant links below to join our events.
- Individuals who sign-up and run at least 4 hours of Dark Sun gaming events at Athascon will receive the following Dark Sun themed digital convention swag:
- 3D Printable STL files of Dark Sun themed creatures, specifically the T’chowb, Pakubrazi, and Ruktoi.
- A Set of 4 Dark Sun themed creature tokens for use in VTTs created by Devin Night – T’chowb, Ruktoi, Pakubrazi, Xerichou.
- Key Convention Dates
- September 30, 2022 – GM Event Submissions Close
- October 01-07, 2022 – GM Late Events Submission Consideration Window.
- September 20, 2022 – Player Sign-ups begin on Warhorn
- October 29 at 08:00am EST (UTC-4) Athascon begins
- October 30 at 11:00pm EST (UTC-4) Athascon concludes
- Discord
- Warhorn Player Sign-Ups
Forbidden Lands – Dark Sun Conversion (Reddit)
- June Soler:, Reddit: U/OldSkoolGM
- Robert Adducci (@Raddu76, Patreon)
- Jesse Heinig ( @JesseHeinig )
- Bone, Stone, and Obsidian (